Dr. Fawaz Habbal
Director General of Emirates Scholar Center for Research and Studies
Dr. Firas Habbal
President of Emirates Scholar Center for Research and Studies
Dr. Mustafa Saasa
Chairman and Managing Director of Raj Group
Rizwan Adatia
Chairman of RAF Global & COGEF Group & VISION EXPORTS
Khalid Al Ali
President of Olive Management Group, Entrepreneur, Treasury of Emirates Scholar Research Center
Abdulla Saeed Alzaabbi
Director External Branches Department at Dubai Economic Department
H.E Dr. David Rutstein
Secritary-General of the Baháʼí International Community, from The Baháʼí World Center in Haifa Israel
Chief Rabbi Moshe Lewin
Vice president of the Conference of European Rabbis, Spécial adviser to the Chief Rabbi of France
Ambassador (ret) Marc J. Sievers.
Director of AJC Abu Dhabi: The Sidney Lerner Center for Arab-Jewish Understanding
Imam Hassen Chalghoumi
Imam of the municipal Drancy mosque in Seine-Saint-Denis
Dr. Noura Nasir AlKarbi
Chair of the Research Outreach Department ,Sharjah University
Gidi Grinstein
Founder and President of Reut Group and Tikkun Olam Makers
Loay Ahmed Alshareef
Amjad Taha
Founder Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the public relations company “PubliGroup”