Sheikh Nahyan Opens International Conference 2024
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Under the esteemed patronage of H.E Sheikh Nahayan bin Mabarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance & Coexistence, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Tolerance & Coexistence of the UAE and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC),


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>News >Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak opens “The international conference on the dialogue of civilization and tolerance “in the presence of Bin Bayyah and Moratinos

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak opens “The international conference on the dialogue of civilization and tolerance “in the presence of Bin Bayyah and Moratinos

Source link : Zawya press – Feb 21, 2024

Abu Dhabi: His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, stressed that the convening of the International Conference on Dialogue of Civilizations and Tolerance comes at the right time. Given the current conflicts and unfortunate events in the world, there is an urgent need to foster a spirit of hope and optimism in relations between peoples and countries. Efforts should be focused on breaking the barriers of misunderstanding and reviving the traditions of tolerance, brotherhood, and dialogue. He emphasized his rejection of the “clash of civilizations” thesis, preferring instead to advocate for understanding, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence. He called upon individuals and societies to play a positive role in this noble endeavor.

The conference, organised by the Emirates Scholar Center for Research and Studies and the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence in cooperation with the United Nations Office for the Alliance of Civilizations and the Abu Dhabi Bureau for Conferences and Exhibitions, commenced under the theme “Bridging Civilizations and Nurturing Diversity.” It was attended by prominent international leaders, including members of the Federal National Council and distinguished guests.

Sheikh Nahyan expressed gratitude to the UAE researchers and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations for launching the important conference. He underscored the UAE’s commitment to being a unique model of peaceful coexistence among people of different religions, cultures, nationalities, and backgrounds. He credited the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for the country’s dedication to confronting misunderstanding and promoting mutual understanding and respect.

Referring to the themes of the conference, Sheikh Nahyan emphasized the importance of dialogue in achieving progress, tolerance, understanding, and peace. He highlighted the need for a commitment to universal human values and emphasized the UAE’s dedication to investing in dialogue, respect, empathy, and understanding.

Shaykh Dr. Abdallah bin Bayyah, Co-Moderator and Executive Committee Member of Religions for Peace, emphasized the centrality of dialogue in Islamic and Arab civilization. He stressed that dialogue is a means of acquaintance laid down by the Holy Quran, facilitating understanding and peace. He highlighted the role of dialogue in promoting understanding, appreciation of diversity, and the search for common values and virtues.

Under-Secretary-General, Mr. Miguel Moratinos, the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) commended the UAE as an incubator of tolerance, human fraternity, and a model of human coexistence. He underscored the importance of promoting understanding and cooperation between different civilizations and cultures for the benefit of humanity everywhere.

The conference serves as a platform for fostering dialogue, mutual respect, and cooperation among nations, reflecting the UAE’s commitment to tolerance, peace, and global understanding.

Mohammed Abdulsalam: The UAE has Embraced Moderation, Openness, and Human Fraternity as Firm Principles

Mohammed Abdulsalam, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, emphasized that Abu Dhabi has emerged as a Global Center for the promotion of moderation, coexistence, and human fraternity. As the capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi has adopted moderation as a guiding principle, openness as a path, and human fraternity as not just a slogan but a firmly established principle, enriching the quality of life for its citizens. He underscored the enduring values and noble principles of the Document on Human Fraternity, embraced by the Emirates, which sends a message of civility in challenging times, affirming that religions aim to bring happiness to humanity through their diverse teachings and doctrines.

Mohammed Abdul Salam also commended the efforts of the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence, led by His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, in promoting the values and culture of peaceful coexistence, acceptance of others, and human fraternity.

Dr. Firas Habbal, President of the Emirates Scholar Center for Research and Studies, emphasized that the International Conference on Dialogue of Civilizations and Tolerance is being conducted in a systematic and scientifically rigorous manner. Drawing upon scientific research, historical precedents, and religious experiences, the conference aims to envision a future of peaceful coexistence among civilizations.

Dr. Fawaz Habbal, Director General of the Emirates Scholar Center for Research and Studies highlighted the importance of coexistence, which should always prevail in global discourse.

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